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In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by Mother Earth's destructive forces, Pearl, her sole surviving daughter, emerges from the ashes of all former life. Earth has suffered at the hands of Fire, Water, and Wind, while Pearl, their sister, and the soul of Mother Earth's spirit, remains. With a heavy heart, Pearl endeavors to restore the once beautiful planet, unaware of her mother's intent to deny Earth's lost souls a second chance. 
All that remains of life is one single seed. Mother Earth reveals that hatred poisoned the planet, eroding respect and appreciation among its people, who turned a blind eye to the damage they caused. However, Pearl realizes her mother, too, has turned a blind eye and closed her heart to humanity. Defying her mother's wishes, Pearl consumes the last seed from Earth. In sacrificing her own body, she nurtures a tree of life, offering humanity a new beginning.


A young woman buried in ashes, anchored to the ground, amidst a world fragmented into lifeless dust.

It was this single visual that came across director, mind in 2016, captivated my imagination, and ultimately became the catalyst for “Pearl Rising.”

As I began exploring this idea further, I was profoundly influenced by the devastating hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and other natural disasters that seemed to grow in frequency each year. It brought me face to face with the distinct possibility of Earth's annihilation--all as a direct result of human actions. Yet regrettably, there wasn't a substantial change in our society's everyday behavior to combat this potential future. It was within this realization that the thought of resetting the story of human life, our story, to the beginning of time came to mind. This prospect seemed both frightening, yet strangely peaceful at the same time, a duality that came to mirror the opposing perspectives of the film's characters, Pearl and Mother Earth, and the visual environment of the film itself.

Ultimately, the story aims to provoke a vital question: Are we sacrificing our planet's future by failing to initiate change and adopt more responsible behaviors?

With this film, I hope to raise awareness about our self-destructive habits, shed light on the peril we pose to our planet, and inspire others to adopt more sustainable practices.

-- Linda Dahlem, Writer & Director, Pearl Rising


The artistic approach to "Pearl Rising" can be distilled into three main components: Poetry, Dance, and Visual Effects

Spoken Word Poetry 

The narrative of "Pearl Rising" is grounded in spoken word poetry that is delivered by the film's main characters and dueling perspectives, Pearl and Mother Earth. The poem will be experienced as a voiceover within the film, while the characters of Pearl and Mother Earth will illustrate their battling visions of Earth's future through dance and choreography.

Performance Art 

I intend to design a performance with both characters, in collaboration with a choreographer, that moves with the spoken words and directs the rhythm of the film. Body language and movement evoke and immerse the audience in a shared emotional experience of a world in pieces. We will also embark on collaborations with a music composer and sound designer to create a captivating and otherworldly experience.

Visual Effects

We are excited to embrace cutting-edge technology in the film industry by filming on a volume stage. Doing this will not only elevate the space and the performance for the artists, but also give us the opportunity to change the environment in real time. It also allows us to start production before filming begins by crafting environmental assets to evoke the sensation of being in an unknown holy realm that now is formed by ashes.


We stand on the precipice of transforming the story of "Pearl Rising" from concept to reality, armed with a wealth of ideas and a talented team, but we cannot fully realize this monumental project without your help.



Currently, we are in the pre-production phase and we aim to move into production by May 2024. To bring this story to life and begin shooting, we must raise $25,000. These funds will enable us to secure essential elements such as renting the volume stage, renting our camera and lighting equipment, fairly compensating our cast and crew, creating the characters' intricate costumes, their striking hair & makeup looks, and the materials to build our other-worldly, real-life set that seamlessly flows into the virtual environment. Moreover, your contribution will ensure that we can shoot safely, feed our cast and crew on set, and provide transportation.



You can support "Pearl Rising" by selecting a donation amount here and receiving a tax write-off for your contribution. All donors will be eligible to receive the perk listed below that correspond to your donation amount, in addition to any lower amount perks.


However, we understand that supporting the film financially may not be an option for everyone, but if our story speaks to you, you can help us by spreading the word!

Follow us @pearlrisingshortfilm on Instagram and Facebook, and share this campaign with your family, friends, and network!


We are incredibly grateful for all your support!

Much Love, 

the Pearl Rising Team

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Depends on a few factors like if you received a reward in exchange for the donation and the value of your donation above that rewards cost, etc. You may contact the nonprofit you donated to directly to receive information on whether or not your donation is tax deductible. Nonetheless, the emailed receipts you will receive for your donation is the documentation you need to make it tax deductible.

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Is my donation and credit card info secure?
Yes, the security and confidentiality of your information is our highest priority. We will not sell, trade or share your personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations, and we will only share personal information if you have given us specific permission to do so.

How do I know that my donation was made successfully?
You will receive an emailed receipt immediately after your donation is submitted and your credit card is processed. Your donation will also show up on your bank or card statement within 1-3 business days.

Do I get a receipt?
Yes, a receipt is sent to your email inbox once your donation is processed. Please be sure to keep a copy of your receipt for tax purposes. If you select a recurring donation, you will be sent an individual receipt each period when your donation is processed.

Is my donation private?
We will not share or sell a donor's personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.